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    There's an easier, more accurate way to detect vascular disease

    Forget everything you know about Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) screening. The BlueDop Vascular Expert removes the need for a cuff on lower limbs so clinicians can get ABIm reading in a fraction of the time and with greater accuracy.

    This reimagined method for performing critical ABIms within various clinics such as Wound Specialist clinics, Podiatry clinics, Tissue Viability clinics, and Doctor Surgeries, will improve streamlining patient pathways and positive patient outcomes.

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    Say goodbye to calf cuffs.

    Millions of people suffer from vascular disease and that number is rising. Historically, diagnosis is complicated and inaccurate. In a conventional ABI test, a blood pressure reading is required from two arteries in the ankle. Conventional ABIs are time consuming and inaccurate due to the fact that up to 30% of patients are diabetic and don't respond to blood pressure cuffs due to ulceration and incompressible arteries.





    The tablet gives the end user the ABPIm, perfusion pressure at the ankle, and a colour-coded assessment of the waveform indicating the presence or absence of significant arterial occlusive disease, all in under 5 minutes* for all four vessels (Dorsal Pedus and Posterior Tibial on each limb).



    With the rise in diabetes, renal failure, and venous disease, assessing lower extremity blood flow with any cuffed system presents challenges. Up to 30% of the high-risk patients have either calcified vessels or severe lower extremity oedema, making assessment systems less accurate or unable to produce a reading. BlueDop captures and processes the waveform from a wireless Doppler probe without using painful ankle cuffs.



    To improve accuracy, it is common to add waveforms requiring a vascular specialist to interpret. BlueDop does this in an easy-to-interpret device without the need for an onward referral. Furthermore, BlueDop uses both systolic and diastolic blood pressures and applies proprietary algorithms to calculate mean ABPI, which with traditional methods is simply not practical. BlueDop’s pivotal trial evaluated 276 limbs with a sensitivity rate (True Positive) of 95% and a specificityrate of 90% (False Positive), and an overall accuracy rate of 92%.**



    * Following installation training and completion of 10-20 studies, most clinicians can perform an assessment within five minutes per patient.

    ** Novel Assessment (BlueDop) Device for Detection of Lower Limb Arterial Disease: A Prospective Comparative Study.  Ali Kordzadeh 1, Mekhola Hoff 1, Evripidis Tokidis 1, David H King 1, Tom Browne 1, Ioannis Prionidis 1. JUM, August 2017.

    *** All features may not be available in all markets.


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